Know your rights and responsibilities.
You have the right to:
- To be treated with courteous and respectful manner, and to be free of mental, physical, and financial abuse by all staff.
- To be treated in a manner that is sensitive and respects privacy, dignity, and autonomy.
- To be treated in a manner that responds to individual needs and preferences, including ethno-social, spiritual, cultural, and familial factors.
- Participate in the assessment, development, and evaluation of his/her service plan.
- Give or refuse consent to services.
- Personal privacy, privacy of your health information and to receive a notice of the facility’s privacy practices.
- Raise concerns or recommend changes to how services are provided, and be provided a response to these concerns without discrimination.
- Be informed of the laws, rules, and policies of the practice.
- Have care and services explained in words that are easy to understand in order to make informed choices.
- To access, request amendment to and obtain information on disclosures of your health information in accordance with law and regulation within a reasonable time frame.
- Participate in decisions about your care, including developing your treatment plan
- Receive information about the outcomes of your care, treatment and services, including unanticipated outcomes.
- Receive information about benefits, risks, side effects to proposed care, treatment and services; the likelihood of achieving your goals and any potential problems that might occur during recuperation from proposed care, treatment and service and any reasonable alternatives to the care, treatment and services proposed.
- Examine and receive an explanation of the bill for services, regardless of the source of payment.
You have the responsibility to:
- Treat other clients and staff with dignity, respect, and courtesy.
- Respect the privacy of other clients and staff
- Provide accurate and complete information concerning your present medical condition, past illnesses or hospitalization and any other matters concerning your health.
- Communicate any concerns he/she may have.
- Inform the health care providers of planned absences. This includes cancelling booked appointments in a timely manner.
- Fulfill the obligations agreed upon with staff, and be as responsible as possible for one’s own health. This includes attending scheduled appointments and following the agreed upon treatment plan.
Do you have a complaint, compliment or want to provide us feedback?
If you are not happy with the services you have received or have a suggestion/compliment, please call us at 647-483-9508 or send an email to